Monday, April 26, 2010

Finally found the camera. Here's Dylans and my frame after glass bead and etch prime. I took them to a new place because it is closer, less expensive, I don't have to do the blasting, and the place is in th heart of great Mexican food in Hubbard. They did a good job, not great, no dents, but a few bare spots. I'm going to hang my frame up until Devs and Jimbos are done. Dylans is now ready for powder and royal blue, topaz orange, and black. Cool!
Devins frame is starting to come together in the fixture.

Here's the mods to Devins dropouts. A hell of a lot of sawing, filing, and sanding
for a set savings of 20 gms. When they are mocked up with the
angled chainstays and the seatstays, they really look good. They're kind of ugly layin' all by themselves.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Day got a little shortened due to a dental appointment and great
Mexican food at the Guadalajara Taqueria in Woodburn. Anyways I have three bikes in work today. Here is what we
believe Devos dropouts will look like. Sweet. I drew it out life size to see if there would be any angle ugliness with the seat stays
like the Pauls on OBC. There isn't.

I'll let the pic speak for itself on OBC.

Dylans shift cable guides, I really like them.
I'm getting close to having Dylans frame ready for glass bead.
Planning on beading both his and mine next Friday.
Then starts color mayhem.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Here is the start of Devos seat lug. This is a cleaner binder than
the one I showed him at work. I am going to lengthen the top 5mm to provide better clamping force and lengthen the front point a total of 10mm just for aesthetics.

Dylans frame is complete through silver braze minus the brake posts and one cable stop. I believe the frame weight will be 3'12" when complete. This is my new Notorious B.B.G. from Don Ferris at Anvil Bikeworks. He offers absolutely the finest frame building equipment on the planet afaiac. I haven't brazed on the brake
posts because I want to do a live mock up with the brake arms. The TRP EuroXs don't have any vertical adjustment, and I want them spot on.

So here is a couple of crappy pics again of the rear
triangle with the seat stays I bent. I wanted just
enough bend to give brake pad and mud clearance.
I was going to give themzero offset at the seat tube,
but I thought they looked better like this.
Of course TriJims will have the zero offset as he has

Monday, April 5, 2010

here are some of my usual poorly taken pics of Brians
completed frame In natural light, it's a much nicer blue.
The powder coaters did a good job overall.
There was two fish eyes
on the right seat stay
and nibs here and there
on the main tubes.
I wet sanded the frame
with 1200 grit paper
to even things out before
I applied the clear coat

Will let it cure over night
in the house and
assemble the bottom
bracket, head set, and
seat post tomorrow
after work.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Brians frame with the pastel blue logo and one coat
of clear. Tomorrow, I will lightly block sand that area
to take out the ridges and then clear coat the entire

Dylans frame with the chain stays at angle and length with Devins purty rear wheel. Hope to ben his seat stays on Monday.